일요일, 4월 28, 2019

JBoss - Patch, RollBack

JBoss Patch, RollBack setting

Test Environment
Test Version : EAP v6.4
Test OS : Windows 10

1. Patch
How to Apply a Patch Using the Management CLI
# Linux

{JBoss_HOME}/bin/jboss-cli.sh "patch apply /was/img/fix/jboss-eap-6.4.19-patch.zip"
# Windows

{JBoss_HOME}\bin>jboss-cli.bat "patch apply F:\app\was\jboss-eap-6.4.19-patch.zip"
# sample

2. RollBack 
Rolling Back a Patch Using the Management CLI

patch rollback --patch-id=PATCH_ID --reset-configuration=TRUE
  • --patch-id=<patch-id>
    The identifier for the patch you wish to rollback that can be obtained through the use of the patch info command.
    The option might not listed in tab-completion in later version, here the patch-id can be used as is without the --patch-id option given.
  • --reset-configuration=<true|false>
    If set to true, the patch rollback process will also rollback the server configuration to its pre-patch state. Any changes that were made after the patch was applied will be lost.
    If set to false, the server configuration will not be rolled back. In this situation, it is possible that the server will not start after the rollback, as the patch may have altered configuration parameters, such as namespaces, which may no longer be valid and have to be fixed manually.
** The test results show that the above method is used well.
A command to roll back to a previous patch.
patch rollback --reset-configuration=FALSE
{JBoss_HOME}\bin>jboss-cli.bat "patch rollback --reset-configuration=false"
# sample

There are several ways to check the patch history, and you can check it simply by using the following methods.
** .installation The folder is a hidden folder.

Patch and Rollback can also be set in the management console.

Some patches at the time of patching require the previous patch to be installed. (Example: 6.4.9 or higher patches)


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