화요일, 1월 01, 2013

zip 파일 Linux 계열에서 사용하기

zip 파일 Linux 계열에서 사용하기

windows에서 처럼 zip도 Linux 계열에서 사용 가능 하다.
먼저 zip이 해당 서버에 설치 되어 있는지 확인 한 후 없으면 

# yum install zip   // zip 설치
zip 파일의 사용 방법은
# zip -r [name.zip] [directory]  // 압축 시
암호를 넣어 주고 싶은 경우
# zip -P [password] -r  [name.zip] [directory]

zip을 압축 해제할 경우 에는 unzip 명령어 사용
서버에 설치 되어 있는지 확인 후 없으면 

# yum install unzip  // unzip 설치
zip 압축 해제 시
# unzip [filename.zip]
password 걸린 zip 압축 해제 시
# unzip -P [password] [filename.zip]

** unzip 파일이 없는 경우 해당 링크로 가서 파일 다운로드 한 후 아래의 순서 대로 진행

UnZip Utilities Download (*.zip file 압축 해제)
Patches downloaded from Oracle are in the .zip format.  To unzip them on your particular platform, a native executable is required.  For our customers' convenience, we have made copies available for most popular platforms.  NOTE: these are included with Oracle Data Server Version 9i Release 2.
Click on the platform to download the UnZip utility:
UnZip is freeware and available for other platforms or in source code form at http://www.info-zip.org. This download site is setup for your convenience. Oracle supports this utility only for the purpose of extracting software downloaded from Oracle.

Instructions to install UnZip on UNIX platforms

  1. Download the file and transfer it to the UNIX machine in binary mode.
  2. Uncompress the file:
    % uncompress unzip_<os>
  3. Put the file in a directory that is included in your PATH, typically /usr/bin or
  4. Make sure that the file has execution permissions set. If not, run:
    % chmod 751 unzip_<os>
  5. To unzip a file using this executable, just run:
    % unzip_os <name of the file to be unzipped>

Instructions to install UnZip on Compaq OpenVMS

If you are using Compaq OpenVMS (Alpha), you need to set the executable as a foreign command by defining a symbol for the unzip utility:
unzip == $disk:[dir]unz550xV-axp.exe
Use normal unzip options to test, e.g., "unzip -t zip23xV.zip".

Instructions to install UnZip on IBM OS/390

  1. Go into USS.
  2. Download the file (unzip.os390) and transfer it to the OS/390 machine in binary mode.
  3. Put the files in a directory that is included in your PATH, typically /usr/bin or   /usr/local/bin.
  4. If desired, rename the file to unzip.
  5. Make sure that the file has execution permissions set. If not, run:
         chmod 751 <file name>


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